Sending e-mail via sendmail (or whatever the host supports) instead of SMTP (should also work with V5) This needs a host with Perl that supports the Mail::Mailer module (OneAndOne does). Patching instructions for (back it up first - use a text editor - not a word processor):- Look about 25 lines down from the top. You should see a line use strict; ADD the following line immediately after this use Mail::Mailer; Search for the line (there is only one instance) sub SendRichMail If using V6 - DELETE the above line and everything following it down to the line above the following fragment ####################################################### # # GetScriptUrl - retrieve an url to the specified script If using V5 - DELETE the above line and everything following it down to the line above the following fragment ####################################################### # # GetCookie - retrieve the actinic cookie REPLACE the stuff you just deleted with the following new routine:- sub SendRichMail { #? ACTINIC::ASSERT($#_ >= 4, "Invalid argument count in SendRichMail ($#_)", __LINE__, __FILE__); # # !!!!!! This is a function commonly used by many utilities. Any changes to its interface will # !!!!!! need to be verified with the various utility scripts. # if ($#_ < 4) { return($::FAILURE, GetPhrase(-1, 12, 'Actinic::SendRichMail'), 0, 0); } my ($sSmtpServer, $sEmailAddress, $sLocalError, $sSubjectText, $sMessageText, $sMessageHTML, $sBoundary, $sReturnAddress); ($sSmtpServer, $sEmailAddress, $sSubjectText, $sMessageText, $sMessageHTML, $sReturnAddress) = @_; # # Check message content for bare LFs and repair if there are some # $sMessageText =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # CRLF -> LF $sMessageText =~ s/\r/\n/g; # remaining CR -> LF $sMessageText =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # all LF -> CRLF # and check the HTML content as well $sMessageHTML =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # CRLF -> LF $sMessageHTML =~ s/\r/\n/g; # remaining CR -> LF $sMessageHTML =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # all LF -> CRLF # # Check the return address # if (!$sReturnAddress) # if no return address defined { $sReturnAddress = $sEmailAddress; # use the destination email address } # (V11) use systems sendmail program my $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new(); $mailer->open({ From => $sReturnAddress, To => $sEmailAddress, Subject => $sSubjectText, }) or die "Can't open: $!\n"; print $mailer $sMessageText; $mailer->close(); return($::SUCCESS, '', 0, 0); } Save and do a site update and that's that. Bugs / Quirks. Some users have reported that the e-mail is sent on one long line. If this happens open the (patched) and look for the line $sMessageText =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # all LF -> CRLF and comment it out by adding "#" at the beginning. I.e. # $sMessageText =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # all LF -> CRLF Save and see if that fixes it. Remember that if you update Actinic the updater will overwrite patched scripts with new version and you'll have to redo the patch. Norman (V11)